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    Boron Isotope Materials

    A high variability in boron isotopic compositions of about 80 ‰ is observed in naturally occurring terrestrial materials, primarily due to the very large difference in mass between 10B and 11B. For reporting δ(11B), it is recommended that NIST SRM 951 boric acid be used. In comparison to average seawater, NIST SRM 951 is depleted in 11B by approx. 40 ‰.

    δ(11B) Values of Reference Materials

    Name Material δSRM951(11B)
    NIST SRM 951boric acid 0 ‰ *
    NIST SRM 951aboric acid 0 ‰ *
    IRMM-011boric acid+0.16 ‰
    ERM-AE101boric acid solution−123.01(41) ‰
    ERM-AE120boric acid solution−20.2(6) ‰
    ERM-AE121boric acid solution−19.9(6) ‰
    ERM-AE122boric acid solution−39.7(6) ‰
    ERM-ED102boron carbide−5.0 ‰
    NRC NASS-5seawater+39.89 ‰
    OSIL IAPSOseawater+39.64(42) ‰
    IAEA-B-1seawaterca. +38.7 ‰ **
    IAEA-B-2groundwaterca. +14.1 ‰ **
    IAEA-B-3groundwaterca. −21.1 ‰ **
    IAEA-B-4tourmaline−8.7(2) ‰
    IAEA-B-5basalt−3.8(2.0) ‰
    IAEA-B-6obsidian−1.8(1.5) ‰
    IAEA-B-7limestone+9.7(5.9) ‰
    IAEA-B-8clay−5.1(9) ‰
    NIST SRM 610silicate glass−0.52(53) ‰
    NIST SRM 612silicate glass−0.51(52) ‰
    GSJ JB-2basalt rock powder+7.24(33) ‰
    GSJ JCp-1coral powder+24.24 ‰
    NIST RM 1547peach leaves+41.09(1.12) ‰
    NIST RM 8433corn bran+8.3(1.69) ‰
    BCR-679white cabbage−23.8(1.15) ‰
    Name Material δSRM951(11B)

    Footnotes      Back to Top
    * Exact value defining the δ(11B) SRM951 scale.
    ** See the Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis for more details.
    Values in parenthesis are expanded (k = 2) uncertainties applicable to the last digits. The values listed in this table are compilation and are not necessarily CIAAW recommendations.


    W.A. Brand et al
    Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis Pure and Applied Chemistry 86, 425-467 (2014)