CIAAW members
The current list of CIAAW members is in effect for 2022-2023. The Commission can be contacted via its Secretary by email to secretariat (at)
The University of Leoben (Austria)
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
LGC Limited
(United Kingdom)
University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)
National Institute of Metrology (China)
International Atomic
Energy Agency (Austria)
National Research Council Canada (Canada)
The University of Leoben
University of Tokyo
United States Geological Survey (USA)
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (China)
The Commission chooses its own members according to the IUPAC Bylaws (Section 3.3) and the election results are formally approved by the IUPAC Bureau or Executive Committee. National Representatives are proposed to CIAAW by the IUPAC National Adhering Organizations and are subject to approval by CIAAW and by the IUPAC Bureau.

The 2023 Atomic Weights Commission biennial meeting (Hague, the Netherlands) (front row, from left) Tetsuya Yokoyama, Rebecca Kraft, Federica Camin, Johanna Irrgeher (Chair), Yoshio Takahashi, Jun Wang, Philip J.H. Dunn, (second row, from left) Thomas Prohaska, Ryan Ickert, Jochen Vogl (Secretary), Juris Meija, Harro A.J. Meijer, Manfred Gröning, Xiang-Kun Zhu, Thomas Walczyk