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    Thallium Isotope Materials

    Values of δ(205Tl) in terrestrial materials cover an interval of no more than 2 ‰, which is large when considering the relative mass difference between the two isotopes of thallium. Before the widespread use of multi-collector ICP-MS, the main interest in thallium-isotope studies was the search for anomalies in the 205Tl abundance in meteorites due to the decay of the now-extinct 205Pb isotope.

    δ(205Tl) Values of Reference Materials

    Name Material δSRM997(205Tl)
    NRC SRM 997elemental Tl 0 ‰ *
    ERM-AE649nitrate solution 0.0(6) ‰
    NRC NASS-5seawater-0.5(1) ‰
    Name Material δSRM997(205Tl)

    Footnotes      Back to Top
    * Exact value defining the δ(205Tl) SRM997 scale.
    Values in parenthesis are expanded (k = 2) uncertainties applicable to the last digits. The values listed in this table are compilation and are not necessarily CIAAW recommendations.


    W.A. Brand et al
    Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis Pure and Applied Chemistry 86, 425-467 (2014)