Nitrogen Isotope Materials
Atmospheric N2 is isotopically homogeneous within current analytical uncertainty, and it is the international measurement standard for δ(15N) measurements, and is assigned a δ(15N) value of zero by international agreement.
Name | NIST RM | Material | δAir-N2(15N) |
Air N2 | air | 0 ‰ * | |
NSVEC | 8552 | nitrogen gas | −2.78(4) ‰ |
NBS 14 | nitrogen gas | −1.18 ‰ | |
IAEA-N-1 | 8547 | ammonium sulfate | +0.43(7) ‰ |
IAEA-N-2 | 8548 | ammonium sulfate | ca. +20.35 ‰ ** |
IAEA-NO-3 | 8549 | KNO3 | ca. +4 ‰ ** |
USGS25 | 8550 | ammonium sulfate | ca. −30.3 ‰ ** |
USGS26 | 8551 | ammonium sulfate | ca. +53.7 ‰ ** |
USGS32 | 8558 | KNO3 | +180 ‰ |
USGS34 | 8568 | KNO3 | −1.8(1) ‰ |
USGS35 | 8569 | NaNO3 | +2.7(1) ‰ |
USGS40 | 8573 | L-glutamic acid | −4.52(6) ‰ |
USGS41 | 8574 | L-glutamic acid | +47.57(10) ‰ |
USGS42 | human hair (Tibetan) | +8.05(10) ‰ | |
USGS43 | human hair (Indian) | +8.44(10) ‰ | |
IAEA-600 | caffeine | +0.91(9) ‰ | |
IAEA-305A | ammonium sulfate | +39.79(1.09) ‰ | |
IAEA-305B | ammonium sulfate | +375.3(5.6) ‰ | |
IAEA-310A | urea | +47.24(3.00) ‰ | |
IAEA-310B | urea | +244.63(1.73) ‰ | |
IAEA-311 | ammonium sulfate | +4693(110) ‰ | |
Name | NIST RM | Material | δAir-N2(15N) |
* Exact value defining the δ(15N) Air-N2 scale.
** See the Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis for more details.
Values in parenthesis are expanded (k = 2) uncertainties applicable to the last digits. The values listed in this table are compilation and are not necessarily CIAAW recommendations.